Summer Lunch Program

Small Miracles staffs people as well as volunteers to provide lunches Monday - Thursday during the summer to children in the community at various locations. The program operates under the Washington State Department of Agriculture and is managed by the State of Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction.

For the 2017-2018 school year, 6,166 children in the Eastmont School District, and 7,557 in the Wenatchee School District and 1,587 children in the Cashmere School District qualify for free or reduced meals at school. That is  15,310 children in the Wenatchee Valley alone! The School District fills the gap during the school year, but what happens when school is not in session? Unfortunately, they go without in many cases. It is estimated that 1/3 of these children go hungry during each school break.

Each and every lunch is required to have five components to be eligible for reimbursement:
1) Meat or meat substitute       2) Grain       3) Fruit        4) Vegetable      5) Milk

Although the program is subsidized from the State of Washington, donations from the community is what makes the program a success. Sponsorships are now open!!

Although Small Miracles is reimbursed a portion of the food costs, non-food costs are not. We rely on our community as our sponsors to adequately provide items at each site required by State of Washington and local Health Department.

2018 Summer Lunch Locations                                                                                                    East Wenatchee                       Wenatchee                                  Cashmere

Clovis Middle School                           Methow Park                               Cottage Avenue Park            Grant School                                         Pennsylvania Park                                                                  Kenroy Park                                        Lewis and Clark Park                                                                Lee Elementary                                    Pioneer Park                                                                            Cascade Elementary                             Lincoln Park                                                                             Rock Island  Park                                Washington Park                                                                      Rock Island School (Wednesdays only)

2018 is in full swing with 21 sites this year and more asking to be added to our list. Now serving Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, Rock Island, Malaga, Monitor and Cashmere and looking to serve 10,000 children.

Children on free/reduced lunch as of October 30, 2017

Wenatchee 7,557    Eastmont 6,166    Cashmere 1,587  

Totaling 15,310 children on free and reduced lunch during the school year. This number is almost double from last year!!


Why are the Numbers Important?

Over 8,000 children in our very own valley are at risk of not having enough food to eat during the summer. Food that they rely on during school days is simply not there! That is why it is up to us to step up and to make sure that no child goes to bed hungry! Between the three school districts, there are 711 students that are classified as homeless - or that do not have a stable home to depend on. Our smaller population needs our help! The Summer Lunch Program does just that!!

Background and History of the Summer Lunch Program

Food that’s in when school is out!


2012: Served 952 lunches over 6 weeks, at 4 separate sites.

2013: Served 1,740 lunches over 8 weeks, at 6 separate sites.

2014: Served 2,153 lunches over 10 weeks, at 7 separate sites.

2015: Served 3,879 lunches over 10 weeks, at 10 sites, in 3 separate cities.

2016:  Server 5,834 lunches over 9 weeks, at 15 sites, in 4 separate cities

2017: Served 7,525 lunches over 8 weeks, at 15 sites, in 4 separate cities

  TOTAL   22,083 lunches to date to children. 

Statistics show that 1 out of every 5 children are hungry and go without eating at least one meal every day. Children who are on free or reduced lunches during the school year are at risk for being without.


Additional funding is needed to help furnish paper products, administrative support for coordination and documentation, fuel costs to run the program, advertising, and much more.

Join with Small Miracles to stamp out hunger by getting involved today. Small Miracles believes that no child should go hungry.


The sky is the limit for ideas to help feed hungry children. Here are few that are on our horizon:

  • Additional serving sites so even more hungry children can be fed.
  • Purchase of a mobile food truck to provide food more efficiently.