
Thank you . . .

… to Community Foundation of NCW and
to all the donors who gave to Small Miracles in 2018!!

It’s heartbreaking when I can’t do my job because my students are hungry.
— Audrey Harris, Teacher

Each year, over 15,000 children in the Wenatchee Valley depend on free or reduced lunch during the school year. In many cases, that is their main meal of the day. When school is not in session during the summer, many children go without food. Small Miracles partners with USDA Summer Food Program and our local Farm to School Programs to fill this gap and make sure every child has a nutritious meal throughout the week. Last summer Small Miracles provided 9,000 lunches at over 21 locations located in Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, Rock Island and Cashmere - but we still have only scratched the surface. Your donation will help us reach more families, increase awareness, and change the life of a child. Thank you and Merry Christmas.